Okay, so you may have noticed (actually, you probably haven't, I don't want to seem big headed haha!) that I have not been very regular with my blog posts since Christmas. I am really annoyed at myself for falling out of the habit of blogging because it's something which I enjoy so much and I love being part of this community. I've been wanting to write a post for a while but I wanted everything to be finalised before saying anything as it means that this blog may change a bit.
I'm moving back to Wales. I will no longer be a London nanny but a Pembrokeshire....something!! I don't have a job to go back to but I am chilled out and relaxed (more about that later) and know that it will be alright in the end.
I've made some amazing friends whilst being up here, without whom I would never have been able to stay for two and a half years. They've been so supportive and helpful, a lot of the time without even realising it, and for that I am truly, truly grateful. I've missed my family so much and my friends from back home too. It was very strange for me to come from a community where everyone knows each other and where I was hardly ever alone to a place which seems so impersonal at times. I've really enjoyed my time up here, it has helped me grow in ways I never thought possible, has made me so much more confident and a little bit more sure of what I want in life. I cannot wait to get home to put all my wishes into action.
I had a card reading recently, not tarot but cards pretty similar to angel cards, and it was such an uplifting experience. I was basically told not to worry, to rest and relax, enjoy being home with my loved ones and back in my base. That what I want will come. So that is why I'm not stressed about finding work or trying to do so much that my mind is running around in circles and I never actually acheive anything. I am excited for this 'new beginning' of sorts and look forward to what the next few months have in store for me.
So, this blog. I suppose it won't really change that much. There'll be less posts about London life but I haven't really posted much of that sort of thing anyway. I will hopefully have more time for crafting so will be writing posts about that and I'd like to keep up with the book reviews and author interviews as they are often my favourite posts to write.
Pembrokeshire National Coast (Source) |
I'd also like to explore Pembrokeshire and Wales more. I feel incredibly guilty that I haven't seen many of the most beautiful sights in my home country, some of which are a mere thirty minute drive away from my home. I am going to be a tourist in my birthplace and hopefully share with you some of the beautiful places Wales has to offer.
I am also going to be joining Slimming World and exercising. I am a rather large gal and I want to change that. I'll write a full post about that soon but I want to do this for me. I'm going to start putting myself and my family first more often, we deserve it. Happiness is priceless.
So I would like to thank all of you who are still folowing me for not deleting me, and those new followers I've had recently. You'll be seeing more of me I hope and I'm pretty damn excited about it all!
Thanks for listening to/reading my ramblings. I hope they made some sense!