Thursday 6 August 2015

Super Veggie Soup

I KNOW it's Summer (well, apparently so!) but this is one of my favourite quick and easy lunch recipes for Slimming World on the go during any season. I often take pasta salad or some variation on that but it involves making it the night before so if I've been really busy or just a bit lazy then I just grab a portion of soup from the freezer and my healthy extra B of bread and I'm ready to go. Also, when I have this for lunch I seem to have really good weight losses! It's really filling and keeps me going all afternoon but it only has vegetables in it, brilliant.

I usually just chuck in anything I've got in the fridge so feel free to add whatever you want but I thought I'd write a rough 'recipe' for anyone who wants a bit of inspiration! 


  • Butternut Squash
  • Sweet Potatoes
  • Carrots
  • Red Onions
  • Garlic Cloves
  • Stock Cubes (I would usually use vegetable stock cubes but I only had chicken today!)
  • Fry Light (Or oil if not doing Slimming World)
  • 1 tsp Curry Powder (Optional)
  • Salt and Pepper
I haven't put quantities as you can pretty much do as you please. I also like to add celery, red pepper, courgette, parsnips, basically anything that can be boiled like hell then blended into yummyness.

 Peel and dice the red onion, add it to a large saucepan and fry in Fry Light for a few minutes. Add some minced garlic and the curry powder and fry for a further minute. Then peel and roughly chop the butternut squash, carrots and sweet potato into cubes, it doesn't really matter what they look like as it's all going to be blended in the end anyhow.

Add the rest of the veggies to the pan and cover them with water then add the stock cubes. Put the lid on and boil until all of the veg is tender (it takes roughly an hour) then leave to cool a little. Trust me you do not want to be blending molten soup, unless you want little splash burns all up your arms. Blend with a stick blender until smooth and season with salt and pepper to taste. Then eat it! Or leave to cool completely and divide into portions for the freezer. Easy peasy!

Let me know if you've got any recipes you think I'd like or if you try this recipe yourself!

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1 comment:

  1. hmmm yum this looks so nice! So colourful and healthy! Your picture of the diced veg is so satisfying hehe well done with the cubing haha they look perfect! x
